
In Tilmex Logistics we offer the Service of Transport of Terrestrial Load in General within Mexico as well as the Service of Freight Forwarder (Imports, Exports) for companies with different necessities from transport of load of Terrestrial, Marine and Aerial type, with additional services of Customs office and Storage inside and outside the different Ports, all this operated by specialized and professional personnel in each one of the areas.

Industries we currently serve

  • Steel
  • Food, Snacks, Confectionery and Perishables.
  • Automotive.
  • Powdered and Liquid Beverages.

  • Construction.
  • Personal Care.
  • Primary Aluminum Packaging.
  • Secondary cardboard packaging.

Certifications and members of:

Contact Tilmex Logistics

"Don't make it complicated, We make it easy"

